Food Security and Agriculture

Training Course on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion GESI

Course Overview

This course offers information on gender equality and social inclusion key definitions and terminologies applied in attaining gender equality outcomes and ensuring inequalities are addressed.
The course aims to provide participants with dimensions of gender equality beginning with definition of key concepts, an understating of social inclusion, status and domains of GESI
Participants at the end of the training will be equipped with actions that address unequal power relations, inequalities, reducing of existing disparities in ensuring equal rights, responsibilities, opportunities and respect for all individuals

Course Objectives

By attending the gender mainstreaming training course you will be able to:

  • Participants will be taken through a common understanding of gender
  • Participants will discuss and gain a conceptual clarity on gender roles, gender division of labor, power dynamics, gender needs and gender equality and equity
  • Participants will be taken through definition of social inclusion
  • Enhance capacity of participants  on social systems, status of women, youths and PWDs in existing systems
  • Participants will be taken through the key elements of social inclusion.
  • Enhance the capacity of participants on domains of GESI
  • Enable participants to gain capacity on tools that enhance GESI implementation

Course Duration: 5 days

Course Outline

Module1: Building a common understanding of gender

  • Definition of gender, social construct of gender, culture and gender
  • Gender vs sex
  • Definition and understanding of gender roles and gender division of labour
  • Gender discrimination
  • Discussion on gender needs

Module 2: Gender equality and gender equity

  • Definition of gender equality
  • Gender equality approaches
  • Definition of gender equity
  • Equality vs equity

Module 3: Social Inclusion and in place social aspect

  • Definition of social inclusion.
  • Existing social systems
  • Social systems,
  • Status of women, youths and PWDs in existing systems
  • Social Exclusion, symptoms and vulnerable groups

Module 4:  Social Inclusion Framework 

  • Ability
  • Opportunity
  • Dignity

Module 5: Domains of GESI

  • Access
  • Participation
  • Wellbeing
  • Systems
  • Decision making

Module 6: Tools  of GESI

  • Intersectionality approach
  • GESI assessment
  • Equal access of services, opportunities and resources
  • Principle of leave nobody behind/Do No Harm
  • Men and boys engagement

Note: This course outline provides a general structure for the Gender Mainstreaming course. The specific content, activities, and duration of each session may be adjusted based on the target audience, learning objectives, and available time.

Classroom Training Schedule

Start Date End Date Location Cost Apply
Sep 23, 2024 Sep 27, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register
Oct 28, 2024 Nov 01, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register
Dec 02, 2024 Dec 06, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register

Virtual Training Schedule

Start Date End Date Location Cost Apply
Oct 07, 2024 Oct 11, 2024 Online $ 350 Register
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 15, 2024 Online $ 350 Register
Dec 16, 2024 Dec 20, 2024 Online $ 350 Register

Course Language

This Training course is offered in ENGLISH . Please indicate the language of choice during registration.

Course Delivery

Presentations are well guided, practical exercise, a plenary presentation, and group work. Participants are encouraged to bring any data relevant to their job responsibilities. This is hands-on, product-oriented training and will mostly involve practical exercises. Each participant MUST bring along their own working laptop and android phone.


Upon completion of training, the participant will be issued with a certificate of Completion.

Tailor-Made Course

3 months post-training support, consultation, and coaching is a guarantee from us and will be available after the course.We can also do this as a tailor-made course to meet organization-wide needs. Contact us to find out more: