Training Course on Project Management

This training aims to train managers on how to lead project teams and achieve its predetermined objectives within the constraints of budget, resources, and the schedule...Read more

Training Course on Training of Trainers (TOT)

This course is designed to empower anyone who desires to develop skills with an aim to become a leader in delivering effective trainings, either as part of their role at place or work or independent practitioner...Read more

Training Course on Project Planning and Management

This Project Planning and Management course will guide participants into mastering the essential skills and techniques required for successful project execution...Read more

Training Course on Results Based Management

This Results-Based Management course offers a concise and practical approach to understanding and implementing results-focused approaches in project and program management...Read more

Training Course on Resource Mobilization and Proposal Writing

This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to successfully secure the resources needed to turn your ideas into reality...Read more

Training Course on Project Design using Logical Framework Approach

The participant will have a solid understanding of how to apply the Logical Framework Approach to design projects that are focused, measurable, and aligned with desired outcomes....Read more

Training Course on Grants Management

The Training Course on Grants Management is designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage grants throughout their lifecycle...Read more

Training Course on Report Writing and Presentation Skills

This training course aims to equip participants with the essential skills required for effective report writing and presentation delivery....Read more