Training Course on Mobile Data Collection using ODK

This course is designed to equip participants with the power of utilizing mobile technology for efficient and effective data collection...Read more

Training Course on Intermediate excel

The course will equip participants with the essential skills to boost their productivity, improve data accuracy, and make informed decisions using Excel’s advanced features and functionalities...Read more

Training Course on Advance Excel

This Advanced Excel course offers a practical approach to mastering the advanced features and functionalities of Microsoft Excel...Read more

Training Course on Advanced Financial Modeling with Excel

This comprehensive training course is designed to equip participants with essential skills in financial modeling using Microsoft Excel...Read more

Training Course on Data Analytics with Advanced Excel

The Data Analytics with Advanced Excel training offers a comprehensive exploration of Excel's capabilities in data analysis....Read more

Training Course On Data Management & Analysis using Stata

This Data Management and Analysis using Stata course offers a concise and comprehensive approach to mastering the essential skills and techniques for managing and analyzing data using Stata software...Read more

Training Course on Data Analysis and Visualization using Microsoft Power Bi

This course is designed to introduce participants to Microsoft Power BI, from the basics of operating the tools, through to advanced data analysis and visualization techniques....Read more

Training Course on Data Visualization using Tableau

The Data Visualization using Tableau training is designed to equip participants with essential skills in leveraging Tableau for effective data visualization and analysis....Read more

Training Course on Data Management & Analysis for Qualitative Data using NVIVO

The Data Management and Analysis for Qualitative Data using NVivo is designed to empower participants with the skills required for effective qualitative data management and analysis using NVivo.....Read more

Training Course Mobile Data Collection & Data Management using CommCare

This course is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills to leverage CommCare, a robust mobile data collection platform, for streamlined data collection, management, and analysis....Read more

Training Course on Statistical Data Management and Analysis using R

The training provides a comprehensive introduction to leveraging the R programming language for effective data manipulation, exploration, and statistical modeling.....Read more