Food Security and Agriculture

Training Course on Protection Gender and Inclusion

Course Overview

This course provides a concise and impactful exploration of the critical issues related to ensuring the safety, well-being, and equal rights of individuals, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups. This course equips participants with the knowledge and skills to promote protection, gender equality, and inclusion in various contexts.

Through engaging discussions, case studies, and practical examples, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the importance of protection, gender, and inclusion in creating safe and inclusive environments. They will explore strategies to address discrimination, violence, and barriers faced by marginalized groups, while promoting equality, diversity, and social justice.

Join us for this transformative course and equip yourself with the tools needed to advocate for the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their gender, identity, or background. Together, let’s work towards building inclusive societies where everyone can thrive.

Course Objectives

  • Develop a solid understanding of the key concepts of protection, gender equality, and inclusion, including relevant terminology, frameworks, and principles.
  • Learn about the different forms of discrimination and violence based on gender, identity, and other social factors.
  • Gain insight into the specific needs and vulnerabilities of different groups, including women, children, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and others.
  • Explore the legal and ethical obligations related to protection, gender, and inclusion.
  • Learn practical tools and techniques for integrating PGI considerations into program design, implementation, and monitoring.
  • Enhance your ability to create safe and inclusive environments for all individuals.
  • Developing action plans for promoting protection, gender equality, and inclusion in participants’ respective contexts.

Course Duration: 5 days

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Protection, Gender, and Inclusion

  • Understanding the concepts of protection, gender, and inclusion
  • Exploring the importance of promoting rights, safety, and well-being
  • Analyzing the intersectionality of gender and other social identities
  • Examining the barriers and challenges faced by marginalized groups

Module 2: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

  • Understanding gender equality as a fundamental human right
  • Exploring the gendered impacts of discrimination, violence, and inequality
  • Strategies for promoting women’s Empowerment and leadership
  • Case studies on successful initiatives promoting gender equality

Module 3: Inclusion and Diversity

  • Promoting inclusivity and diversity in various contexts
  • Understanding different forms of discrimination and their impact
  • Creating inclusive environments for marginalized groups
  • Addressing intersectional challenges and promoting social justice

Module 4: Protection of Vulnerable Groups

  • Understanding the specific protection needs of vulnerable groups
  • Addressing violence, exploitation, and abuse faced by marginalized communities
  • Strategies for promoting the rights and well-being of children, refugees, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ individuals
  • Case studies highlighting effective protection interventions

Module 5: Mainstreaming Protection, Gender, and Inclusion

  • Integrating protection, gender, and inclusion into policies and programs
  • Tools and frameworks for mainstreaming protection, gender, and inclusion
  • Monitoring and evaluation for measuring progress and impact
  • Developing action plans for promoting protection, gender equality, and inclusion in participants’ respective contexts

Note: This course outline provides a general structure for training program on Protection, Gender, and Inclusion training. The specific content, activities, and duration of each session may be adjusted based on the target audience, learning objectives, and available time.

Classroom Training Schedule

Start Date End Date Location Cost Apply
Aug 05, 2024 Aug 09, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register
Sep 09, 2024 Sep 13, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register
Oct 14, 2024 Oct 18, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register
Nov 18, 2024 Nov 22, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register

Virtual Training Schedule

Start Date End Date Location Cost Apply
Aug 19, 2024 Aug 23, 2024 Online $ 350 Register
Sep 23, 2024 Sep 27, 2024 Online $ 350 Register
Oct 28, 2024 Nov 01, 2024 Online $ 350 Register
Dec 02, 2024 Dec 06, 2024 Online $ 350 Register

Registration Process

Enrolling in our training programs is effortless! Upon submitting your details on the course registration link, a representative will get in touch with the relevant information.

Group Discounts

Boost your team's skills and maximize value with our attractive group discounts. Enroll 3 or more participants and enjoy significant discounts on any of our training programs.

Course Language

This Training course is offered in ENGLISH . Please indicate the language of choice during registration.

Training Approach

Our instructor-led trainings use well guided presentations, practical exercises, and group acivities. Participants are encouraged to bring any data relevant to their job responsibilities. Training manuals and additional reference materials are provided to the participants.


Upon completion of training, the participant will be issued with a certificate of Completion.

Post Training Support

Our commitment our clients success extends beyond the training program. We offer ongoing 3 months support through Q&A sessions, online forums, and access to our expert instructors.

Tailor-Made Course

We design customized training programs and inhouse workshops to meet specific training needs and organizational goals. Contact us to find out more: