Food Security and Agriculture

Training Course on Monitoring and Evaluation in Food Security and Nutrition

Course Overview

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) principles within the context of food security and nutrition programs. Participants will gain a solid foundation in M&E frameworks, tools, and techniques, equipping them with the skills needed to assess, improve, and sustain effective interventions in the field of food security and nutrition.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the fundamental concepts and importance of M&E in the context of food security and nutrition.
  • Develop practical skills in designing and implementing M&E frameworks for food security and nutrition programs.
  • Learn to select and use appropriate indicators for assessing key aspects of food security and nutrition.
  • Acquire knowledge of various data collection methods and analytical techniques relevant to the field.
  • Explore advanced evaluation approaches, including impact assessments and formative/sum

Target Participants

This course is designed for researchers, project staff, development practitioners, managers and decision makers who are responsible for project, program or organization-level M&E in Food Security and Nutrition programs.

Course Duration: 10 days

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to M&E

  • Definition of Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Why Monitoring and Evaluation is important
  • Key principles and concepts in M&E
  • M&E and the project lifecycle
  • Complementary roles of Monitoring and Evaluation

Module 2: Food Security and Nutrition M&E Frameworks

  • Food security and Nutrition Conceptual Frameworks
  • Food security and Nutrition Results Frameworks
  • Logical Framework Analysis (LFA)
  • Design of Food security and nutrition projects using LogFrame

Module 3: Food Security and Nutrition Indicators

  • FSN indicators definition: Dietary diversity score, Food Consumption Score, Coping Strategy Index, Nutrition indicators
  • Indicator metrics
  • Link between indicators to results
  • Indicator Matrix
  • FSN indicator performance tracking

Module 4: M&E System design and Planning in FSN

  • Importance of an M&E Plan
  • Documenting M&E System in the M&E Plan
  • Components of an M&E Plan-Monitoring, Evaluation, Data management, Reporting
  • Using M&E Plan to implement M&E in a Project
  • M&E plan vs Performance Management Plan (PMP)

Module 5: M&E Considerations for Sector Specific Programming

  • Food Security Programs: Food Availability, Seasonality, Food Access, Food Utilization
  • Health and Nutrition Programs; Selection of Indicators, sources of data, Reproductive Health
  • Integrating Cross Cutting Issues into Data Collection

Module 6: Data Management and Analysis for M&E in FSN

  • Different sources of M&E data
  • Qualitative data collection methods
  • Quantitative data collection methods
  • Participatory methods of data collection
  • Qualitative data analysis
  • Quantitative data analysis
  • Data interpretation and reporting

Module 7: Gender integration in M&E for FSN

  • Gender integration during project activities design
  • Gender indicators in Food Security and Nutrition programs
  • Cross cutting gender issues in FSN
  • Measure of gender outcomes
  • Role of M&E in addressing gender
  • Measure pf gender outcomes

Module 8: Evaluation of Food Security and Nutrition Programs

  • Determining evaluation points from results framework
  • Components of evaluations: implementation and process evaluations.
  • Evaluation designs- experimental, quasi-experimental and non-experimental
  • Performance evaluation process
  • Evaluation findings sharing and dissemination

Module 9: Impact Assessment of Food Security and Nutrition Programs

  • Introduction to impact evaluation
  • Attribution in impact evaluation
  • Estimation of counterfactual
  • Impact evaluation methods

Module 10: M&E Results Use and Dissemination

  • Use of M&E results to improve and strengthen FSN projects
  • Use of M&E Lessons learnt and Best Practices
  • M&E reporting

Note: This outline provides a general structure for the training. The specific content, activities, and duration of each session may be adjusted based on the target audience, learning objectives, and available time.

Classroom Training Schedule

Start Date End Date Location Cost Apply
Oct 28, 2024 Nov 08, 2024 Nairobi $ 1800 Register
Dec 02, 2024 Dec 13, 2024 Nairobi $ 1800 Register
Feb 24, 2025 Mar 07, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register
Mar 31, 2025 Apr 11, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register
May 05, 2025 May 16, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register
Jun 09, 2025 Jun 20, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register
Jul 14, 2025 Jul 25, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register
Aug 18, 2025 Aug 29, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register
Sep 22, 2025 Oct 03, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register
Oct 27, 2025 Nov 07, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register
Dec 01, 2025 Dec 12, 2025 Nairobi $ 1900 Register

Virtual Training Schedule

Start Date End Date Location Cost Apply
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 22, 2024 Online $ 700 Register
Dec 16, 2024 Dec 27, 2024 Online $ 700 Register
Feb 10, 2025 Feb 21, 2025 Online $ 800 Register
Mar 17, 2025 Mar 28, 2025 Online $ 800 Register
Apr 21, 2025 May 02, 2025 Online $ 800 Register
May 26, 2025 Jun 06, 2025 Online $ 800 Register
Jun 30, 2025 Jul 11, 2025 Online $ 800 Register
Aug 04, 2025 Aug 15, 2025 Online $ 800 Register
Sep 08, 2025 Sep 19, 2025 Online $ 800 Register
Oct 13, 2025 Oct 24, 2025 Online $ 800 Register
Nov 17, 2025 Nov 28, 2025 Online $ 800 Register

Course Language

This Training course is offered in ENGLISH . Please indicate the language of choice during registration.

Course Delivery

Presentations are well guided, practical exercise, a plenary presentation, and group work. Participants are encouraged to bring any data relevant to their job responsibilities. This is hands-on, product-oriented training and will mostly involve practical exercises. Each participant MUST bring along their own working laptop and android phone.


Upon completion of training, the participant will be issued with a certificate of Completion.

Tailor-Made Course

3 months post-training support, consultation, and coaching is a guarantee from us and will be available after the course.We can also do this as a tailor-made course to meet organization-wide needs. Contact us to find out more: