Food Security and Agriculture

Training Course on Advanced Excel

Course Overview

This Advanced Excel course offers a practical approach to mastering the advanced features and functionalities of Microsoft Excel.

Through a combination of hands-on exercises, real-world examples, and advanced techniques, participants will explore the powerful capabilities of Excel. They will learn how to effectively analyze complex data sets, automate tasks with macros, create dynamic reports and dashboards, and utilize advanced functions and formulas.

This course is designed for individuals who already have a solid foundation in Excel and want to elevate their skills to an advanced level.

Course Duration

Online Training: 6 days

Classroom Training: 5 days

Course Outline

Module 1: Review of Basic Excel Functions

  • Sum, Average, Count, Min, Max
  • Logical Functions (AND, OR, NOT)
  • Drop-down lists
  • Custom data validation rules
  • Dynamic validation with INDIRECT

Module 2: Data Analysis Tools

  • Custom sorting options
  • Advanced filtering techniques
  • Sorting and filtering with tables
  • Combining data from multiple sheets
  • Consolidating data using PivotTables

Module 3: Advanced PivotTable Techniques

  • Creating basic PivotTables
  • Changing layout and design options
  • Creating custom calculations
  • Working with calculated items
  • Enhancing interactivity with slicers
  • Using timelines for date filtering

Module 4: Power Query and Data Transformation

  • Connecting to external data sources
  • Basic data transformations
  • Merging and appending queries
  • Advanced data cleansing techniques

Module 5: Data Visualization with Advanced Charts

  • Title, axis labels, and legends
  • Data labels and annotations
  • Miniature charts within cells
  • Visualizing trends and variations

Module 6: Advanced Formulas and Functions

  • Understanding array concepts
  • Array functions and formulas

Module 7: Scenario Manager and Goal Seek

  • Building different scenarios
  • Comparing and evaluating scenarios
  • Setting and solving optimization problems
  • Identifying constraints and variables

Module 8: Automation with Macros and VBA

  • Recording and running macros
  • Variables, loops, and conditions
  • Custom functions and procedures
  • Automating repetitive tasks
  • Creating interactive user forms

Module 9: Excel Dashboards

  • Layout, color schemes, and readability
  • Effective use of charts and visuals
  • Dynamic charts and slicers
  • Using form controls for interactivity

Note: This course outline provides a general structure for a 5-day training program on Advanced Excel. The specific content, activities, and duration of each session may be adjusted based on the target audience, learning objectives, and available time.

Classroom Training Schedule

Start Date End Date Location Cost Apply
Aug 12, 2024 Aug 16, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register
Sep 16, 2024 Sep 20, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register
Oct 21, 2024 Oct 25, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register
Nov 25, 2024 Nov 29, 2024 Nairobi $ 950 Register

Virtual Training Schedule

Start Date End Date Location Cost Apply
Aug 26, 2024 Aug 31, 2024 Online $ 400 Register
Sep 30, 2024 Oct 05, 2024 Online $ 400 Register
Nov 04, 2024 Nov 09, 2024 Online $ 400 Register
Dec 09, 2024 Dec 14, 2024 Online $ 400 Register

Registration Process

Enrolling in our training programs is effortless! Upon submitting your details on the course registration link, a representative will get in touch with the relevant information.

Group Discounts

Boost your team's skills and maximize value with our attractive group discounts. Enroll 3 or more participants and enjoy significant discounts on any of our training programs.

Course Language

This Training course is offered in ENGLISH . Please indicate the language of choice during registration.

Training Approach

Our instructor-led trainings use well guided presentations, practical exercises, and group acivities. Participants are encouraged to bring any data relevant to their job responsibilities. Training manuals and additional reference materials are provided to the participants.


Upon completion of training, the participant will be issued with a certificate of Completion.

Post Training Support

Our commitment our clients success extends beyond the training program. We offer ongoing 3 months support through Q&A sessions, online forums, and access to our expert instructors.

Tailor-Made Course

We design customized training programs and inhouse workshops to meet specific training needs and organizational goals. Contact us to find out more: